Your brand is more than just a logo or slogan - it's an identity, reputation, and perception. It's the foundation of your business and your most valuable asset.

We’re a bit fed up of people thinking their brand is just their logo and colour palette. It is so much more than that. It’s time we changed perceptions of this. We’ve decided to launch a campaign of our own to reshape businesses’ understanding of the importance of their brand.

Welcome to #BeyondTheLogo, where we delve into the intricate layers that constitute a brand beyond its mere visual representation. In this exploration, we unravel the essence of branding, from understanding brand frameworks to exploring archetypes and laying the solid foundations that define a brand's identity.

Brand Foundations

Discover the fundamental building blocks that lay the groundwork for a robust brand identity. From defining your mission, vision, and values to establishing your unique selling proposition (USP), this section delves into the core elements that shape the essence of your brand.

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room”

— Jeff Bezos

Brand Frameworks

Explore different brand frameworks that provide strategic guidance in shaping your brand's identity and messaging. From the Brand Pyramid to the Brand Identity Prism, learn how these frameworks can help articulate your brand's personality, positioning, and purpose.


“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”

Brand Consultancy

Brand Consultancy

Ready to take your brand to new heights?

Book a call with one of our experienced brand strategists today. Whether you're seeking to redefine your brand identity, craft a compelling brand narrative, or enhance your brand positioning, our team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Don't let your brand be defined by just a logo—let us help you go #BeyondTheLogo and create a brand that resonates with your audience and drives meaningful connections. Click the button below to schedule an initial discovery call now.

Brand Storytelling

Over thousands upon thousands of years, the power of storytelling has been intrinsic to humanity. Stop pitching your product and instead, start telling your story and how this is part of the solution. We believe that storytelling is at the heart and soul of effective branding. By leveraging the power of neuroscience and the art of narrative design, we help our clients create brand narratives that resonate with audiences, drive engagement, and inspire action. Whether you're looking to launch a new campaign, revitalise your brand identity, or connect with customers on a deeper level, we're here to help you tell your story and make a lasting impact.

Michael Eisner

“A brand is a living entity - and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small gestures.”

Simon Sinek

“People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it.”

Beyond Visuals

Challenge the notion that a brand is solely defined by its logo. In this section, we explore the myriad touchpoints—from messaging to customer experience—that shape perceptions of your brand and foster meaningful connections with your audience.


Personal branding holds the transformative power to shape perceptions, establish credibility, and forge authentic connections in today's competitive landscape. Ann Bastianelli explains its potential.


Youri Sawerschel's captivating TED talk illuminates the transformative potential of branding, offering insightful strategies to effectively brand anything, from products to people, with authenticity and impact.