Updating Colchester


Colchester Council aimed to instil confidence and a sense of community in local residents, encouraging them to return to the high street and embrace the local area post-pandemic. The “Make Your Day” campaign sought to achieve this through a compelling storytelling video, a memorable brand identity, and an extensive multi-channel marketing approach.


Our strategy centred on crafting an engaging and creative video, complemented by a robust brand identity and a comprehensive marketing plan. The goal was to evoke emotions, instil confidence, and create a memorable and inviting campaign that resonated with the community.

Colchester Borough Council



1. Storytelling Video

The heart of the campaign was an emotive storytelling video. Cinematic shots of local residents, paired with spoken word poetry, captured the essence of community and the beauty of the local area. The video aimed to inspire a sense of belonging and comfort, encouraging residents to rediscover the high street.

2. Brand Identity

We developed a memorable brand identity for the “Make Your Day” campaign. The logo and visual elements were carefully crafted to reflect the vibrancy of the community, creating a recognisable and inviting image associated with the initiative.

3. Multi-Channel Marketing

The campaign extended across various channels, including social media, key locations in the town, radio, and prominent media placements. An advertising budget was strategically allocated to maximise reach, ensuring the campaign resonated with a diverse audience.

4. Collateral Materials

A robust social media campaign amplified the key messages from the strategic plan and the talking head video. Targeted posts across platforms engaged the audience, encouraging discussions and sharing valuable insights.


The campaign garnered significant attention, reflected in increased website traffic, prolonged engagement on the landing page, and heightened social media interactions. McKinsey’s timely response and strategic guidance positioned them as a reliable source of insights and support during a period of immense uncertainty.


The “Pandemic That Is Shaping Us” campaign not only effectively addressed the challenges posed by the global crisis but also solidified McKinsey & Company’s position as a thought leader capable of providing strategic direction even in the most challenging times. The campaign’s success was highlighted by its prominent feature on McKinsey’s main homepage.

Key Takeaways

  • Timely and comprehensive strategic planning is crucial in navigating crisis communications.

  • A dedicated landing page serves as a centralised resource hub for enhanced user engagement.

  • Compelling talking head videos humanise the brand and convey empathetic messages.

  • Strategic social media campaigns amplify key messages and foster engagement, establishing the brand as a trusted authority.


